Shortcuts for "Go to [higher,lower,highest,lowest] pitched note in chord" should work if entire chord selected

• Apr 2, 2017 - 20:51

I can select an entire chord (such that has a blue selection rectangle around it) using they keyboard only by pressing Shift+Up. But the problem is I always find myself stuck without easily being able to get out of this chord selection (using keyboard only) to select a note of the chord. Pressing Esc looses selection entirely, so I have to then access my mouse (undesired) to select a note. Of course I can press right & left, which will return me to the top note of the chord. But what I'm suggesting (I think I mentioned this elsewhere) is to have the shortcuts for "Go to [higher,lower] pitched note in chord" (default is Alt+Up, Alt+Down) and "Go to [highest,lowest] note in chord" (default is Ctrl+Alt+Up, Ctrl+Alt+Down) to behave similarly to what they normal behavior is. So "Go to [highest,lowest] note in chord" should replace selection with the [highest,lowest] note of the selected chord, and I'm guessing "Go to [higher,lower] pitched note in chord" should replace selection with the note [above,below] the [highest,lowest] note of the selected chord. I think that will be most consistent behavior. Of course if chords from more than a single ChordRest segment is selected, then the shortcut name doesn't make sense. But the shortcut name does make sense for a single ChordRest segment, so I think the behavior should reflect that instead of doing nothing.



Of course if chords from more than a single ChordRest segment is selected, then the shortcut name doesn't make sense.
Actually, even in this case, I believe there is still a ChordRest that is selected, probably the one in the right bottom corner. It is used for left/right navigation, so it could be use here.

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