how to make MIDI import operations file to use when invoking musescore from command line?

• Apr 3, 2017 - 09:17

I notice on there is:

-M, --midi-operations
Specify MIDI import operations file

That sounds like something to set things like "Max quantiziation", "Max voices", "Is human performance" and everything else in the midi import panel. I'd like to use something like that now. The problem is I can't figure out from the documentation how this file is supposed to look, or how to generate such a file. Does anyone know the format/syntax for this file?


I checked the code for you (because I couldn't find it anywhere either), and starting from the current version in code (…) I deducted the attached example file.

Disclaimer: this is purely going by what I've read in the code when it tries to open the file for that command line argument. This has not been tested by me
If you are willing to test this out and let us know if/what works and what doesn't; then we can add this example to the handbook afterwards.

Attachment Size
midi_import_options.xml 1.73 KB

In reply to by jeetee

I've tested this out and it seems to work. Please add to the handbook (or should I?). Should we make a separate page on the handbook describing this xml file, or should just link to the file in the command line options? (I'm thinking a sepearate page might help for people who google "MuseScore MIDI importa operations file")

(As you mentioned in your file, "0" corresponds to 1 voice...I got a bit confused by that 0-based counting thinking it was an error! Just making a note to others for posterity to not be confused by that.)

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