leave white space at the end of a line

• Apr 5, 2017 - 17:13

Hi, hope I can describe what I want to do. So far the behavior is that even if there is only one measure on a line, it is stretched to cover the page horizontally, like fully-justified. I would like to have a line with, say, 3 measures, and make it end halfway across the page, so there is room for rehearsal notation etc., the way I've seen lots of charts out there. Is this possible with MuseScore?


I think I still need help. I want to put a horizontal frame for text at the end of a line and then continue the chart on the next line (for a coda) without forcing a new time signature, etc. All I see is Append Frame and Insert Frame. Insert always puts it to the left of the measure and Append always puts it at the very end. Is there a way to end a line of music and leave room for text and then continue with a normal line of music afterwards?

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