Vertical use of the page

• Apr 10, 2017 - 14:06

I came to a point where I felt my score was complete and looked how I wanted it on the page; however, when I printed it, the top of each page was cut off. Items such as the title of the piece, rehearsal letters, chord symbols, etc. were cut off. It appears that anything that is higher on the screen than my right and left header page numbers gets cut off. Prior to printing, I had moved these items upward because of necessity since my score needs to have both dynamic markings and chord symbols above the staff. (The dynamic markings are above each part because it is a choral score and accompaniment score, and I need the dynamics out of the way of the lyrics which appear below each staff.) First, is there a way to simply have everything that shows onscreen also show up on the printed copy. Otherwise, it seems there is always some discrepancy between what I see on my monitor and what comes out when I decide to print. Second, is there a way to move the entire system of staves on a single page down in its vertical alignment on the page. There are many pages where only a few parts are performing and so the entire bottom third of the page is unused space. If I could move the entire set of staves downward on that page, I would have more room at the top of the page, and perhaps they would not get cut off (and it might look nicer on the page as well). Thanks for your help!


In reply to by dmosheruh

How do I move the system of staves downward on a page so that there is not so much empty space on the bottom third of certain pages? Also, on the last page of my score where everyone is performing at once, the footer copyright info is covered by noteheads. Is there a way I can shrink the size of the entire system on that particular page? Thanks!

Also, it usually helps if you attach your score so we can see exactly what you are dealing with. Then we can generally offer better assistance. In general, you shouldn't be moving the title upwards to avoid the first staff, you should be moving the first staff downwards, such as by increasing the space below the title frame. And then it won't matter if there is empty space below or not.

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