Simple / Manual note entry

• Apr 17, 2017 - 18:23

Hello All,

I know this is more user error, on my part, then anything, BUT I spend more time fixing how the software wants to make sure it has the proper number of beats in a measure then anything else. I am good at counting to 4, SO is there a way to turn OFF the feature of the software that makes sure the number of beats in a measure is correct?

In other software I think they call is simple entry.

Thank you in advance for you help. :)


The intent of that limitation is that:
necessary for the software to calculate, How many note values / rests (at same or different lengths) can fit into a measure.

If they (programmers) find an another way for calculating, Thus it can also be the ""flexible note input" feature.

Simple entry in Finale still requires four beats per measure. But it does work differently from MuseScore in terms of what adjustments it makes and when it makes them. It does take a while to get used to, but once you do, you should find it is just as efficient if not more so. Just keep in mind, everything is in "overwrite mode", so there is no such thing as inserting or deleting things and having other things move over to take its place. If you should want want some numebr of notes to move, simply do so manually via cut and paste.

If you continue to have trouble, feel free to attach a score you are having trouble with and explain what you are trying to do, and we can show you how to get it done efficiently.

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