Notation speed

• Nov 20, 2012 - 22:03

Is there currently a way to speed up the notation input speed? I see how to adjust playback tempo, but find it somewhat slow and tedious to input a note or type in a lyric (word) and wait for it to be accepted and show up on the screen.


I assume you are working on a huge score and with a small computer. The only way would be to split your score in several smaller files, or to get a more powerful computer. The cause is that MuseScore is relayouting the full score for every edit.

I'm using a 2009 iMac with 2gb of RAM. Not the fastest, but doesn't slow down for other programs (i.e. Logic).
However my rock opera score is currently about 510 bars long and will eventually be a couple of thousand when finished.
I'm using v. 1.2 Musescore.
I appreciate your very holpful comments.

In reply to by neiljboyer

As lasconic mentions, the problem is that MuseScore tries to redraw the entire score on every edit - most other programs don't. Nor should MuseScore, and apparently that is being improved in 2.0 (?). Meanwhile, I'd recommend breaking your score into smaller files. Generate PDF's of each section, and the full score could be assembled from those.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

OK. I had remembered talk of this, but I guess it didn't come to anything?

I don't work with scores large enough for this to be an issue, so it's hard for me to test, but I wonder - what about continuous view? Is it more responsive with very large scores?

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Hmmm... I hate to disagree with both Marc and lasconic in a single shot! But from what I have seen to happen to the code recently some work has been done on this area by Werner.

It is not completed and, perhaps, some of the most heavy-duty operations like note input have still to be optimized, but the trend is rather clear and, for instance, re-drawing of modified bar lines or time sigs is now limited to the edited element. These I remember on the spot, having dealt with them recently: examining the code itself might give more examples.


In reply to by Miwarre

I love when you disagree on improvements :) There is indeed some small improvements but, I think, (and please correct me if I'm wrong) that the most frequent ones are not done yet. Meaning changing a pitch or editing lyrics still relayout the full score.

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