Advice on layout and system organization of my first score.

• Apr 26, 2017 - 20:57

Hello everyone, I've noticed a lot of sloppy and incoherent scores on musescore. I really don't wanna be one of "them." I really want to make my scores to look pro and show the world that musescore is serious and that I am serious as a composer. I feel that I got everything in this composition set right like font continuation, size, font spacing,etc. Everything is the standard. And I did the best I could with measure spacing and number of measures per page. Could you please take a look at my score and let me know of any suggestions on my layout, measures per page, etc? I would like to print this out and show a Violinist this coming week. I am updated all of my scores and doing my best to learn this software daily. Thank you.

Attachment Size
Violin_Solo_No._1 (1).mscz 32.34 KB


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