Regular Roman type font comes out really weird.

• Apr 28, 2017 - 22:27

So, call me a beginner but I want to follow the custom and tradition of making my tempo markings and some mood markings in regular roman font; however, whenever I select the "Roman" font the letters come out all mushy and weird, it just looks like bad code or something. See attached picture. Also, could I simply use the freeserif font instead of the "Roman" font in the situation that calls usually call for regular roman font? Like tempo markings, technical instructions, etc. Thank you.

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I'm not sure what "Roman" font you are using - what OS are you on, what is the exact name of the font, and where did you get it? But MuseScore should work very well with its default Roman font (FreeSerif), and also works well with the "Times New Roman" font that comes with Windows. Other third party fonts can be of questionable quality.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hey Marc, I am on windows. The name of the font is "Roman" and I do not remember how it was installed in my computer; however, following your sage-like advice I am going to continue to use FreeSerif and forget about using other fonts at the moment. Thank you Marc Sabatella.

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