Unclear features

• Jul 2, 2009 - 18:28

In the Preferences dialog, on the General tab there is a button with the caption "Cur". Does it stand for "current" ?

Another question: I cannot find in the handbook what "Pitch spell" exactly does?
It adjusts the notes to drop "unnecessary" accidentals?


There are some captions that seem to be untranslatable: the Next and Cancel buttons of "Create new score" Wizard, and all three buttons (Save, Discard and Cancel) in "Close score" dialog. Am I missing something?

G flat and F sharp are different "spellings" or ways of writing the same pitch. MuseScore does not do any harmonic analysis to work out which spelling is actually correct, instead it converts all pitches to the most common spelling. For example F is more common than E sharp.

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