Setting individual margins per page(3 page score).

• May 3, 2017 - 23:39

Firstly I want to say that I am finally(like seriously) getting a firm handle on using page and line breaks, and also modifying the spaces between staves and setting the margins. I have a three page Violin score that I have been consistently updating as I learn more about Musescore and gain knowledge from reading the handbook. I would like to have more space on the top of the margins on page 2 and 3, and also close up the space on the bottom as there seems to me too much space on the bottom of pages 2 and 3. I tried using spacers but they seem to not interfere in the margin territory. Thanks for the help. I am really trying my best to make pro looking scores with this software, even if they never get played. Thank you once again.

Attachment Size
Violin_Solo_No._1.mscz 29.32 KB


From what I'm aware there's no way to adjust margins individually, however as a workaround you could use Add > Frames > Vertical Frame for the top margin and Add > Frames > Horizontal Frame for the side margins (remember to first select a measure adjacent to where you want it). As for the bottom margin, set the default to 0 in page settings and insert a bottom frame to the size of your liking. The only downside to this is you have to do it on every page, though it sounds like that won't be much of a nuisance in this case.

Generally instead of thinking in terms of having different margins, it is better to think in terms of the minimum and maximum distance between systems you will want, and set those in Style / General / Page. Margins are result from the system distance, not the other way around.

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