JACK Audio Kit issue: MuseScore2 no output to MIDI interface in Windows

• May 8, 2017 - 01:10

Please see the attached pictures for any insights they may have.

I have a MIDI interface connected to my computer and to my synth. I can do playback just fine using GuitarPro so I know the hardware is functional.

Issue: When I start playback in MuseScore2, the music comes from the computer and not the attached synth.

I suppose I just need to configure JACK in some way to make it work. I hope someone can help me soon!


Attachment Size
2017-05-07.png 157.63 KB
2017-05-07 (1).png 117.45 KB
2017-05-07 (3).png 551.31 KB


Disclaimer: I've not used Jack ever.

From that screenshot however, it seems you're connecting musescore out with musescore in and have no other devices available/detected..

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