Adding direction text in various places

• Jan 24, 2013 - 00:00

I'm having fun with my second project. But what I haven't been able to figure out is how to add miscellaneous direction text on the score. Stuff like "Play this repeat 4 times" , or "Organ, forward here" or "Guitar, sorry, you just play this stupid little figure 13 times"

Also, now that I've started the score, how do I go back and add a tempo setting at the beginning "b = 110" ?


Click on a note and press Ctrl-T for Staff Text or shift-Ctrl-T for System Text. For Tempo, select the first note and press Ctrl-Alt-T. All text options are on the Create menu under Text.

In reply to by schepers

That helps a little, thanks.
I can't find a way to add Chord names unless there is a note or rest. I was open to just outline a passage structure. What's the best way to indicate a improvised solo for several measures, with just chord changes indicated? Or just show lyrics, chord changes, without writing out the melody? Or just indicate simile for the rhy guitar for the next 13 measures?

In reply to by MajorGeek

While entering chords, hit space to move to next note *or beat*. Tab to move to the next measure.

Standard way to indicate an improvised passage in my experience is using slash notation - short diagonal slashes, one per beat, filling the measures. You can install the "slash notation styles" plugin from the Plugins section of this site (see menu at right of this page) to make creating this easier.

Also, for tons more general advice on creating lead sheets and similar types of charts, see my two part tutorial:

Part 1:

Part 2:

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