Measure does not have proper note count and I can not move the bar

• Feb 1, 2013 - 23:16

I am a new user. I entered a few measures and suddenly I have a measure that does not have enough notes, it is in 12/8 and a bar occurs at 9 eight notes and I cant seem to move or change it. I must have done something wrong to have this happen but how can I fix it?


Posting the score would help - hard to advise otherwise.

It does occasionally happen that a score becomes "corrupt", and a mesasure with the wrong number of beats is usually the first visible sign of this. Usually the best fix is to completely delete the affected measure(s) (not just erase the contents), then insert new measure(s) and re-enter the music. As for what causes it, best recipe seems to be copy and paste of partial measures involving triplets (which doesn't normally causes problems, but seems to occasionally) or copy and paste of empty measures in time signatures like 5/4 or 11/8 - anything where the length of the measure can't be represented by a single note value (this causes problems every time).

However, it is also possible that for some reason the "actual" time signature has been changed in measure properties to have fewer besats than the "nominal". It's also possible you are getting confused by notes in different voices. Again, hard to say without seeing the score.

I had the same problem: 3/4 piece with one measure as 1/4.
Solution: export as XML file type (with unique file name) and manually fix it.
Procedure: First, modify the measure just before the error measure to duplicate precisely how you want the wrong measure to look. Export the file as a Music XML file.
Import same file back into MuseScore. It will report an error at the specific Measure #. Ignore or cancel; that is, close the file again.
Then, open the XML into a Code Text Editor [l used Text Wrangler]. Look for
measure number="xxx" where xxx is the measure just before the error measure.
Modify the code in the next measure section to match this one, with the obvious difference, change the measure number.
Save XML file.
Back to MuseScore. Import fixed XML file. Fixed!!! [OK, not quite; delete the extra measure]

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