some newbie question

• May 18, 2013 - 07:22

Hi MuseScore community,

I'm a new user of MuseScore, and especialy a new member of . SO I have few question to ask to experienced member.

First, I UpLoaded some of my creation to my MuseScore account, but how can I show my work to people if I know nobody in the community ?

Second, When I start my MuseScore, there are always some score at the right side of the screen (generaly always the same) is there a way to have new score on this list, ant is it possible to put mine so other people would be able to listen them.

Thanks for your reply,

Jean-François Haineault


First of all, welcome to the MuseScore community Jean-François

The best way to share your scores is to join one or more of the many groups on or you could share it in the "Made with MuseScore" forum.

You can then mark your score to be shared with those groups of users.

As far as I know, the score displayed on the MuseScore Connect panel is controlled from and there is no way for the user to change it.


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