
• Jul 9, 2013 - 18:32

I wonder if anyone would be able to tell me how one could add a bar of unstructured melody, in effect a piece of recitative, such as the first bar of Chopin's Etude in C Sharp Op. 25 No. 7?

Also (maybe this should be a separate subject?) how could one do notation such as the bass line in bar 27 of the same piece, which is like a large group of about 58 notes as an ornament lasting for the duration of the bar?
I would be most grateful for any help on these quesitons.

I have endeavoured to attach a PDF of the piece to this message.

Attachment Size
chopin_etude_op25no5psu.pdf 611.07 KB


You attached op25no5 and not No7 :) See MSCZ file attached.

The first measure you can enter them as you would for other, but then select the notes -> note properties -> small. You might also want to hide the rests, time signature and change the barline style.


For the measure 27 or 30, I would use tuplets (10/1, 9/1 etc...) and then hide the tuplets number and make the notes small. shot_130709_201445.png

I hope it's not your first score with MuseScore, because it's not the easiest one :) Someone did 4 other numbers from Opus 25 and posted them on If you complete it, I'm curious to see the result !

Attachment Size
shot_130709_201324.png 10.63 KB
shot_130709_201445.png 14.01 KB
funfunfun.mscz 3.02 KB

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Many thanks for your very helpful suggestions. Sorry about the mistake with the attached file. I am trying to switch to the correct one, whis is adjacent on my hard disk, but your excellent attached bars make this, perhaps, unnecessary.
I hope to finish the score, though may take some time. When I do, I will certainly post it.
Thanks again

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