Figured Bass

• Jul 19, 2013 - 17:46

This is a comment about Nightly Build v 30fc3f2 on OSX.

I am glad that figured bass is added. I am writing to report what seems to me to be a defect. If the bass is moving by half notes (say) but an upper part is moving by quarter tones, the harmony changes on the quarter beat, but MuseScoreNightly can only add figured bass where a note comes in the bass. To see what I mean, look at:,_BWV_439-518_(Bach,_Johann_Sebast…

In the first score 01456, look at the fifth song, "Beschränkt, ihr Weisen dieser Welt." In the third measure ("dieser"), Musescore would be able to add the 64 on the half note in the bass. It would not be able to add the 53 on the next beat.


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