Listening to score

• Jun 20, 2017 - 16:45

For some reason a score I wrote won't play so I can listen to it. I'm not Mozart, so I can't just write it down and know it sounds good. I need to hear it in action. Musescore is not letting me do that right now. When I last had it open, like 2 weeks ago, it was working fine. But right now it is not working and I really need it to be working.


Which version of MuseScore do you use? On which OS?
Are you speaker up? Can you press the play button and do you see the blue cursor moving on the score? If yes, do you see a soundfont listed in View > Synthesizer?

In reply to by Shoichi

I've tried what it says in that node, but with no success.

I also tried resetting the factory settings, also with no success.

I tried turning on the "metronome during playback" feature, which worked, so I know musescore isn't muted. I have the default soundfont selected. I have "play when notes written" selected. Yet no notes are played either when I write them, or when I trigger playback.

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