I wish there will be

• Aug 16, 2009 - 10:00

For future versions of MuseScore, I would like a built-in metronome feature.
Shaun Zhang


In reply to by xavierjazz

I am not satisfied with the sounds of it, I feel that it is not suitable to be used as a workaround metronome, and additionaly, the metronome feature I requested should also have a one bar pause, before MuseScore starts to play.

In reply to by xavierjazz

I've also requested this feature in the past. Didn't gain much traction though. I got the same work-around options. Still, I think this would be a useful feature to a segment of users. Just a count-in when play is pressed to give you time to pick up your instrument. The count-in should be tied into the press of the play button, and not to the beginning of the piece, since people don't always start at the beginning. It would be better to have an option to count in from wherever the cursor thingy is.

In reply to by MDMilford

Yes, I'd like an metronome as well that is obviously infinite and can be quickly put on/off, features an optional sound, alternate beats for different time signatures (or whatever), a suggested Italian tempo name, and a manual value insertion. The drum track (supposedly unstable at the moment) probably wouldn't be a long-term solution because they would only run for a certain amount of time and going into menus to adjust settings, etc.

It's necessary when you are transcribing and trying to find as close a beat with the original music as possible.

In reply to by chen lung

I see two different feature requests here. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Chen Lung requests a metronome for transcribing, so not linked at all with the current score. I wonder if this is the purpose of MuseScore to provide this. There are plenty of software metronome (http://openmetronome.sourceforge.net/)
Others are requesting a kind of metronome track in parallel with the music playing and following tempo changes.

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