Arrange Parts -- Changing Instrumentation

• Mar 9, 2014 - 23:10

I finally got the software to explode the piano part into five parts, but the parts are for instruments that I don't want. I'm after a woodwind quintet not a string quartet. Can you help me?


'One problem is that Arrange Parts will create staves for instruments it does not find existing.
However, it cannot name them. The composer has to do this themself. At the same time the composer needs to set the synthesizer sound because although Arrange Parts details the sound, the synthesizer ignores it, at least in MuseScore v1.3.'

'Right-click in a measure (on a staff) so that the pop-up menu contains the Staff Properties entry (the measure will become surrounded by a blue box). Select Staff Properties and change or delete the instrument names.'


I find that by using the explode parts link, found by going to the search box and typing in explode parts. The link provided there far out does the arrange parts link.

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