Add subtitle back after I deleted it

• Apr 14, 2014 - 03:24

I created a new score, including title, subtitle, etc. In the course of editing the text, I deleted the subtitle. Now I want to add it back. I've tried Create => Text => Subtitle, but nothing happens. I've studied the manual, and found no other way to do this. Any suggestions? Thanks.


That menu item adds a blank field for you to start typing - you won't see anything happen except a cursor appear if you happen to have the score scrolled there. But when you type, what you type should appear.

I've had this happen occasionally but just saving the file and re-opening it allowed me to add a subtitle. Might be worth checking in case the subtitle's attributes have been radically changed. From the menu, choose Style -> Edit Text Style -> Subtitle and check the settings for Font, Size, Colour and positions:

Colour Black
X 0.00
Y 10.00
relX 50.00%
relY 0.00%

It might also be worth checking Display -> Show Invisible in case it has accidentally been made invisible.

In reply to by underquark

Totally closing the program and restarting it worked! Then the program displayed a new frame as Marc described. (Closing only the problem file and reopening did not work. The settings and display settings were all fine.)

Now, however, I now cannot change the text style of any text in the score. Just trying to adjust size and use italics. I thought I had been able to on a previous score, so I reopened an older score and same problem now. The Style=>Edit Text Style box comes up and allows me to enter changes. Nothing happens when I click on Apply or Okay. Tried closing and reopening program - no change.

In desperation, even reinstalled MuseScore. Still no success! I confirmed that I had previously changed the text style on a score (tempo). Arrrggghh!

In reply to by Shoichi

I had not seen it before. As you can see from my response to Marc, I did not need this this time. Actually, I've not changed any of the default settings, yet.

As for attaching the score - that brings up an interesting point. At this point, I am putting copyrighted music into MS for my own practice sessions (I own the sheet music). Accompanying playback at slower tempo really helps. As I understand it, if I don't publish it or share the files (or print and distribute), I've not violated the copyright. Therefore, I suspect I have to be careful about what I post when trying to resolve problems, so that I don't violate copyrights. I've not checked for a discussion of this in the forum.

In reply to by garobinson51

Editing text style has never (in current versions) modified already existing text elements. It only sets the defaults for yet-to-be-created elements. To modify exisitng elements, right click them and use Text Properties instead.

It's possible you had at one time used a nightly build, in which text style settings *do* apply to existing elements. But that feature has never been in any released version. The only elements that text style can appear to apply to retroactively are measure numbers or others where the elements are actually re-generated on the fly as opposed to being fixed elements you place manually.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Or, more probably, I used right-click= text properties, since I am accustomed to right click operations in most other apps! Just forgot how I got there. All better now.

Thanks to all of you for your help. Grateful to be part of this group.

For what it's worth, I have been searching and finding other answers in the forum. Others in this group have been really helpful without them knowing it.

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