Sharps appearing when "blank" is selected

• Sep 22, 2017 - 15:23

Lately i've noticed a rather annoying 'bug' (it might also be incompetence from my side) where the program automatially adds two sharps to every new score i arrange for Bb Cornet. This is when i make a brand new score and choose what flats/sharps (if any) the new score should contain. I have been choosing the "no b/#" option, but every time i do this, 2 sharps are added to the score. the function to change the default flats/sharps in the score do not work whenever i try to make this blank. Any help to solve this would be appreciated!


If you are not familiar with the idea of transposing instruments and how music for cornet must always be written a whole step higher than you want it to sound, see for instance

If you are trying to copy existing music that is written in C major, then you need to realize this actually sounds like Bb major, and that is the key signature you need to add. You can then then add the notes as you see them. and want them to look. If you are writing new music, it is usually best to turn on "Concert Pitch" mode so you can add notes the way you want them to sound. When done, turn off "Concert Pitch" and the ntoes will automatically the way they need to look in order to sound the way you want.

I'm pretty sure that you understand how to write music for the Bb cornet; it's just that you need to understand how MuseScore treats transposing instruments (and it isn't obvious at first). When you drag a Key Signature from the palette to the score you are dragging a Key Signature that is in concert pitch; as you drag this concert pitch key signature over onto your transposed staff, MuseScore transposes the key signature to match - unless you have Concert Pitch turned On.

You can either back-transpose it in your head first or turn on Concert Pitch mode while you set up the Key Signatures. If you're writing for brass band then the trick is to set everything up with Concert Pitch mode turned On and then turn it off so you can write for the individual instruments. Eventually you'll just get used to MuseScore and will be able to add Bb and Eb instruments without any trouble. It's not as if the soprano player or the horns will notice anyway, is it?*

[*i am allowed to disparage soprano cornet players as I was one.]

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