Export to Logic Pro problem with panning.

• Apr 3, 2018 - 02:05

I've never ran into this before exporting from other programs so here I am:

I created a score in Musescore with about six tracks, exported as MIDI.
When I open/load in Logic Pro and attempt to stereo pan my Violin Track it will not stay panned.
Every time I start the track over it goes back to dead center.
All of the tracks are fine except this one track.

Not sure if this is Musescore or Logic Issue, anyone have this problem before?

I checked and the track is a stereo track and EQ is stereo as well, so it should be working.


Interesting. I wonder if the musescore midi export is exporting a pan command (MIDI CC 10) at the start of the midi track. If in MuseScore, you set that track to say hard pan left, and then reexport the midi and reopen in Logic, does the track then remain at pan left? If so, then that sounds like deliberate and desired behavior on the part of musescore midi export.

Problem solved. It was in fact throwing in Panning data that I had to manually delete in Logic Pro.
I tried making sure all of the instruments were not panned but dead center and it was still throwing the data.
Anyways, thanks for the help.

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