Having trouble understanding the brass notation

• Jul 11, 2018 - 18:24

Hi, I just started to compose something on your little jazz ensemble structure. I don't understand why the notes written on the partition do not match the pitch of the real notes. In example, on the trumpet's partition, I wrote a G that sounds like an F ... or the C on the Tenor that sounds like a Bb. Thanks for helping me out !

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To elaborate: welcome to the weird world of transposing instruments! What you are seeing is exactly how trumpets work - they sound a step lower than written. if you want to hear an F, you need to write a G. So if you want to hear a G, you need to write an A. And so so. Luckily, MuseScore knows this, and by enabling "Concert Pitch" mode, you can write what you want to hear, and then when you are done, turn concert pitch off so the notes will appear how they need to in order for human players to play them (they'll need to see an "A" if you want to hear a "G").

For more info, see for example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transposing_instrument

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