change play mode for practising: continuous display + fixed play position bar when playing

• Jul 22, 2018 - 16:11

Hi @all,

I like MuseScore for practising new pieces, by playing my voice along with the other voices generated by the computer. For this I'd like to have the score display on the screen changed in two aspects:

  • have a continuous score display, favourably on just one line, that automagically resolves loops, jumps etc. into a completely linearized, sequential display mode.

  • have the play pointer for the momentary position at a fixed (selectable?) mostly left position on the screen, with the score moving from right to left underneath. That way I could always see the next 3 or 4 measures (or even more).

  • have a choice on the graphic display of the position indicator (colour, width?). In my notion it is a bit pushy in the standard (blue bar on white background) display.

I'd love to see these features especially for the Musescore Player on a tablet, so I could get rid of the several kilos of paper scores ... :-)

Kind regards,


In reply to by Shoichi

Nope, as it will still jump at the end of the visual line on screen, thus not providing the view on what is coming next very frequently when playing along. This even more than in page view, as I manage to see a complete score sheet on a vertical monitor, so this behaviour only happens at the end of the visual score sheet.

In the meantime I was pointed to another thread where exactly my question is treated but which I did not find before due to lacking appropriate search words:

I suggest to discuss my request there furtheron.


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