plugin installation in Ubuntu 16.04
Hello. I installed musescore 2.3 on ubuntu 16.04
The default installed plugins can be found in the folder /snap/musescore/26/usr/share/mscore-2.3/plugins
In the most recent version of the manual (in English) is the following text:
In Linux, MuseScore looks for plugins in /usr/share/mscore-2.0/plugins and in ~ / .local / share / data / MuseScore / MuseScore 2 / plugins.
To install new plugins, the above folders should not be used or modified. Instead you can add other plugins to ~ / Documents / MuseScore2 / Plugins, or specify a different folder to look for plugins in MuseScore's Preferences.
The two directories /usr/share/mscore-2.0/plugins and ~ / .local / share / data / MuseScore / MuseScore 2 / plugins do not exist
I created the MuseScore2 folder and the Plugins subfolder in Documents and downloaded the chordIdentifier.qml plugin
In the plugins manager it does not appear. From preferences the search for a new folder to search for plugins stops at ~ / Documents / MuseScore2 (the subfolder Plugins is not visible.
By inserting the chordIdentifier.qml in ~ / Documents / MuseScore2 by changing the default folder to ~ / Documents / MuseScore2 in the plugins manager, this new plugin does not appear
I have also provided the two folders ~ / Documents / MuseScore2 and ~ / Documents / MuseScore2 / Plugins write and execute permissions, in vain.
The /snap/musescore/26/usr/share/mscore-2.3/plugins folder is not editable even with sudo, I can not insert anything
What should I do ?
In addition, I see now that even if you have an already installed plugin installed, for example notenames, this is not displayed at the bottom of the plugin menu so I can not use it
You shouldn't have needed to create a Plugins folder or a MuseScore2 folder - they should already exist.
Unfortunately different Linux installations may work differently - especially if you are using the AppImage version. So you might have to hunt around a bit to figure out where MuseScore is installed. If you go to Edit / Preferences, it should show you where it thinks those folders should be.
As for pre-installed plugins, they miught be "installed" in the sense of being present in the folder but you need to enable them via the Plugin Manager before they show in the menu.