Beaming over rests that begin or end a group of notes

• Jul 18, 2014 - 02:45

Please please add this feature (as in attached file).

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Personally I find this very ugly, and I've never seen it in any of the score's I've worked with.

If it is needed for the transcription of some music, however, then it should be included.

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

FWIW, I'm not a fan of either, but it does have one advantage, and that's the fact that it is more visually obvious that three beamed notes are not a triplet. Normally, one would never beam the first three notes of a group together if a rest followed; you'd have to break the beam after the first two to make it clear it isn't a triplet. The beam-over-rest makes this clear without needing to break the beam. Some editors won't allow three beamed notes *after* a rest there, although arguably it's easier to tell it isn't a triplet because you've already seen the rest.

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

I have a book on Oscar Peterson arrangements for piano, and he is very heavy on tuplets in all his works in this, particularly triplets and nested triplets, and there are quite a few of these beam over rests.
I'm not saying this is common practice, but as Marc has indicated, this could just be a way to visually differentiate between triplets and non triplets that look the same.
I agree, they do look ugly.

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