Midi Output For Top Staff

• Dec 8, 2018 - 07:32

I notice that the program, at least the settings I have, does not produce a midi output for the top staff in the composition. Any advice would be appreciated.

Attachment Size
La_Biondina_in_gondoletta.mscz 4.43 KB


(Msc. 2.2) I exported to MIDI to check channel assignments. Soprano part has channel 1 and Harp is channel 2. I then sent the MIDI out to another program, assigned individual channels and monitored the recording. No problem. I assume you tried these steps. So, could be a problem with the set up of the program used to monitor Msc. MIDI output.

Can you be more specific about what you mean by "MIDI output"? Do you mean the normal playback in MuseScore (and if so, using which soundfont?), or do you mean you are using a separate MIDI device via the 'MIDI Output" setting in Edit / Preferences / I/O, or do you mean you are using JACK, or ... ?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for your help with this. The file that is exported using File|Export|Standard Midi has nothing in it for the top staff. The playback within the MuseScore program works fine. Currently the file I am using is from the page https://musescore.com/user/102315/scores/115574 , but this has occurred for all files I have tried (including compositions I put together) having more than one staff. If you download the "mid" file from the above page you will see that it also lacks the top staff.

In reply to by Dave Carroll

I loaded your score into the current version of MuseScore, exported to MIDI, then imported the result. Top staff was present. Same result if I download the MIDI from the website.

However, I think I have an idea of what is happening. You are probably using some program other than MuseScore to open the MIDI file, and that program is choosing to ignore the content of the first track, expecting it to adhere to the convention of using the first track only for tempo changes and other events but have no actual notes. MuseScore doesn't export that way, it puts the notes of the first staff on the top staff. Perhaps the program you are using has an option to make it not ignore the first track?

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