Implode or combine two staves

• Dec 19, 2018 - 21:57

I'm trying to combine two staves into one. I've tried both the edit>tools>implode command which doesn't seem to do anything, and also these directions: That makes part of the score disappear. I'm at a loss. I used to do this in Finale from time to time, but for the life of me I don't seem able to make it work here. Help, please!


In reply to by davidjayhull

Ah, I see. Hmm. What exactly do you want to achieve? One Piano-Staff at the end (with treble clef in the upper and bass clef in the other staff? In your sent file I can see two seperate staffs with two voices in each one.

In reply to by davidjayhull

I did some things on (some bars of) your piece, but didn't implode anything so far.
The steps I did:
- Added a proper Piano Staff (I-Key, Add Piano)
- Selected all bars of your two staffs, copied and pasted them in the new piano staff
- Deleted the old staffs (I-Key...)
- Selected all bars of your left-hand-staff and Edit/Voices/Swap 1-2, because in your case the "beef" is all in the second voice, your first voice was empty (only rests)
- selected the first rest of your second voice, right click/select/more.../all ... same voice and same staff. Delete them.
- Selected all bars of your RIGHT-hand-staff and edit/voices/swap 1-2, because in your case most of the notes IMHO belongs to voice 1.
- More manual tweaking necessary. I looked for bars, where the second voice consisted of whole bar rests only and deleted those as well

The implode command does other things. Better have a look to the manual again.

Attachment Size
Reindeer Rag 2_FirstBarsCorrected.mscz 43.26 KB

In reply to by olivo

All I'm trying to do is combine what's there into ONE staff. Not a piano staff, not a grand staff, one staff. I'm having a couple issues doing this. When I try to implode them, nothing happens. When I try to use the instructions detailed in the link on my initial posting, it just makes a lot of the score disappear.

The score is from a copyright free midi file of a classic Joseph Lamb ragtime piano score. I changed to bass part to treble clef in anticipation of what I want to do next, which is combine the score into one staff.

In reply to by davidjayhull

There are a couple of reasons this will not ever work properly. First, the rhythms are different. MuseScore will use an algorithm and combine most the staves once you fix the other problems. Most everything in the song is in voice 2, MuseScore only implodes voice 1. (This is changed some in version 3). You need to select all of the measures with a measure rest in voice 1 and exchange voices 1 & 2 using Edit->Voices->Exchange voices 1-2. To make it look better you need to delete all of the measure rests that will be in voice 2. You can do this by right clicking any rest, use select>all similar items to select all rests, then press delete to get rid of them. As side effect of this is that all voice 1 rests will be invisible. They will probably look gray on your screen. You can right click any of these, use select>all similar items and press V to make them visible. I also suggest that in measures like #8, you assure the half notes are in voice 2, so some implosion will happen in those measures. Use the exchange command as before to do this. After this you can implode and most everything in the left hand will be inserted into the right hand.

In reply to by davidjayhull

My instructions make this sound more complicated than it is. To simplify the instructions for all versions of MuseScore.

Put everything possible in voice 1 (ctrl+a, use the menu or create a shortcut to swap voices 1 & 2 like I did).
Delete all of the voice 2 rests.
Restore visibility of rests

Starting in version 3.0 when it get released, the rhythm in the left hand will be put into voice 2. The only problem in the score you posted here is the measure that already needs voice 2 and you could move those half notes to voice 3 or 4 by selecting them and pressing ctrl+alt+3 (or 4). If I knew I wanted all half notes in voice 3, I would right click the half note, the use select>more... and check the appropriate boxes to limit the selection to half notes, click ok then press ctrl+alt+3. BTW, if you don't like the keyboard you can use the mouse and click the appropriate voice number on the note input toolbar rather than ctrl+alt+3.

In reply to by davidjayhull

It's not totally clear what you want this to turn into instead - if you want the rhythms changed in order to combined them into a single staff in a readable fashion, or if you want the rhythms preserved using multiple voices so the results are correct if not easy to read, or some sort of compromise in which rhythms are preserved but multiple voices are collapsed, losing the original independence of the lines but having the advantage of possibly being easier to read.

All of these are possible in MuseScore, but the exact procedure depends on the exact results you want to see. So if you maybe enter the first couple of measures manually the way you'd like to see it, then we can talk about how to get there more automatically. But indeed, Implode will likely be part of the solution. Simply running that command in MuseScore will product something like the second otpion I described, then running it again converts it to something like the third.

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