Realize an OSC listener and message-modifier

• Dec 21, 2018 - 06:25

I have installed touchOSC on my phone and I would like to control the score editor Musescore (that accept OSC messages).

Problem: touchOSC send messages always together with a double value while a lot of controls I'd like to use in Musescore has a method signature with no arguments at all (e.g. /actions/play to start playback of the score).

So, the only way I'm figuring out right now is to write a sort of listener (python? java?) listening to touchOSC, changing the message (typically, cutting the double value) and sending the modified message to the right port for Musescore.

I have some Java skills but I wouldn't know how to manage OSC message. I have also downloaded a python library named simpleOSC but I have 0 skills in python.

Could someone help? Thank you very much

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