now can't save changes to existing score files

• Dec 23, 2018 - 04:10


i can't save changes to an existing score. Files saved without problems earlier today. No crashes, no blips, no updates to MuseScore 2.3.2. But now Ctrl-S and tool bar "save file" results in this error message:

popup window title = Save File
error text =
Open Temp File
D:/_Music/_SHEET MUSIC & CHARTS/score file name.mscz.temp

failed: No error

I can save-as to overwrite the existing file (no ".temp" in the file name in the save-as dialog window) and confirm "yes" overwrite, but that's an extra step I didn't need before. Restarting my computer resulted in the same error. I now get this error with every score file.

Any ideas what happened and how to fix it?
Thank you.


Update: I just tried another experiment. Apparently the Bitdefender anti-ransomware module is a bit too aggressive locking down files. I removed the scores folders from the Safe Files list (protected from malware intrusions and changes). Musescore now saves scores as before. I had whitelisted musescore.exe in the applications allowed to change files. Bitdefender lets me change documents, so there must be some additional Musescore utility or driver that Bitdefender blocks. I back up files daily so even if ransomware hits, I won't lose much besides my temper.

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