Access the notes in MuseScore 3 plugin API

• Dec 24, 2018 - 12:41

Hello everyone,
I'm a playing around with the plugin creator and looking at existing plugins to discover what the API can do. However, some of the built-in plugins don't work anymore in 3.x (notenames for instance) and I'm wondering how I can get (and modify) the notes pitches from an Element. For example :

while (cursor.segment() && cursor.tick < endTick) {
  var element = cursor.element();
  if (element) {
    console.log("element: " + element);
    console.log("element json: " + JSON.stringify(element));
    if (cursor.element().type == Ms.CHORD) {
      console.log("notes: " + element.notes);

outputs :

Debug: element: Ms::ElementW(0x7129850)
Debug: element json: {"objectName":"","type":92,"name":"Chord","tick":0}
Debug: notes: undefined
Debug: element: Ms::ElementW(0x7141290)
Debug: element json: {"objectName":"","type":92,"name":"Chord","tick":480}
Debug: notes: undefined

Did I miss something in the manual?


The release notes should have said that the plugins are not working properly for the initial release and are expected to be enabled in about a month. This is because they are still in the process of being rewritten for version 3.

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