soft bouncy scrolling

• Feb 11, 2019 - 23:55

apologies because I'm not sure what the technical term is... But when you use two fingers to move around the score, in version 3 a "soft scrolling" feature has been added (sorry I'm not techie enough to describe it accurately). Like you finish moving the score with your fingers but it continues moving until it snaps to a grid or something??

It's making me seasick. I know it's personal preference but I'd love it taken off!! :)

Also apologies if there's already a thread for this but I haven't found it due to lack of technical term understanding!


I don't see any difference between MsueScore 2 and 3 here, and as far as I know, MuseScore itself doesn't do anything to make this happen - it's a function of your touchpad and its settings.

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