MDL Soundfonts
To begin with, because MuseScore 3 does not yet support MDL, I am still using the most recent version of MuseScore 2.
I've had MDL installed for a while now--probably since it was released--and just recently, I discovered all sorts of SoundFonts to write with. Upon adding a soundfont, all instrument voicing is replaced by the most recent SoundFont. However, despite reordering my files in the Synthesizer, I cannot find any MDL drumline soundfonts--its as if they disappeared or weren't there to begin with. I also deleted and reinstalled MDL.
The MDL soundfonts are in the zerberus tab as you probably know. What you may not know is that they need to be in the exact order they are installed or the rest of the MDL will probably not work properly. Any other sounds need to be added below MDL in the zerberus tab.