Ability to reposition tab bar above toolbar/menubar, or to the bottom of the score view

• Feb 26, 2019 - 04:03

Occasionally I end up accidentally changing scores/tabs when trying to quickly use the mouse to change note durations from the toolbar (with my other hand on the keyboard to enter pitches + double/halve durations + change octaves/etc., as I've found it easier to just click on the durations with my other hand than to remember the hotkeys for them).

It'd be great if I could reposition the tab bar to some other area of the screen where I'm less likely to accidentally click on one of the tabs when doing something (e.g. right above/below the navigator pane in particular would be great, but above the toolbar/menus would be even better). Knowing what I do about Qt, it'd probably be easier doing the former (i.e. at the bottom)


On the left end of the tollbar are dots that resemble Braille. If you move your mouse over it, the arrow turns into a 4 way arrow indicating you can drag the tool bar around. You can move it to the left, right or below the score window.

In reply to by mike320

Hmm... I'll have to try it again I think. Last time it didn't quite feel right, so I ended up putting them back up the top. It's a pity though that the left-side docking can't go to the right-hand side of the palette (i.e. closer to the score than the edge of the screen), but it's probably not worth bothering changing that as it'd cause similar problems to the ones I'm trying to avoid now (i.e. accidentally moving/toggling palettes instead)

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