Playback — Voice 1 and Voice 2 sound different
I'm working on a score with a staff for violin. Voice 1 sounds like an orchestral violin playing tremolo, and Voice 2 sounds like a normal solo violin sound. This does not happen at at the very beginning, but at a point where I've marked "sul ponticello", as expression text. Is there a setting to turn off the change in sound?
One of the staff texts, maybe even your sul ponticello text, has a staff text property set. Right click the text and select Staff Text Properties. There will be a bunch of numbers 1 to 4. If any of these are colored, then a different sound is selected for that voice. See for more info if needed.
In reply to One of the staff texts,… by mike320
Thank you. That fixed it until the section break, and then it reverted to a tremolo sound. I'm going through it to see what is causing it, but there is no new expression text that would have a setting that would change it.
In reply to Thank you. That fixed it… by Soolip
It's not expression text, though it can be. It can be any staff text above or below the staff. If you can't find it then attach the score.