Moving A Note Horizontally

• Aug 4, 2014 - 02:46

Is it possible to move a note horizontally? As an example: I have a pickup measure at the end of a tune in 4/4 that has a 1/4 rest, half note and a quarter note. I would like the notes further to the right of the measure. Thanks


It *is* possible to move notes, but that isn't how to solve the problem you are having. Trying that will get the playback wrong, plus it won't be likely to look right if the format of the score ever changes - and it's more work than the "right" way too. Instead, simply change the actual duration of the measure (right click, Measure Properties, change the Actual duration) so that the notes you want to put in the pickup fill it up.

But for the record, you can move notes as well as most other elements by double clicking then using the arrow keys.

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