Can I Make the Glissando Faster?

• May 14, 2019 - 01:26

Hi, there! I am currently writing a piece of piano music, and I use the glissando effect in certain parts of it. When it plays through, however, it seems a little too slow and almost delays or throws off the rhythm of the measure. I know I could just omit the glissando, but I really want to start incorporating them into some of my music. Is there any way I could increase the playback speed of the glissando so it doesn't throw off the rest of the measure? In short, I'm just looking for a way to speed up the glissando. If anyone has any solutions please share with me!

Many thanks,


It sounds like you want either the start or end note of the glissando held. To do this, make the note that needs held a tie. Otherwise the glissando is divided equally between the start and end notes.

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