Chord glissandi

• May 16, 2019 - 00:53

I'm very confused about "chord glissandi" which the documentation says is "possible." I "think" I have figured out how to make a "chord glissandi" by manual manipulation of the glissando symbols (that is, select the glissando, right-click (in Windows), select Edit Element, and then handles appear on the glissando symbol that I can manually drag around. But, for a chord, after I manually drag things around it looks pretty awful, no matter how careful I am to try and line up the individual glissando symbols in a chord. I am trying to write guitar tablature which requires a "lot" of chord glissandi, so I really don't want to do this manually for every note in a chord that requires glissando. I could just give up and only apply glissando to the highest note in the chord and resign myself to saying it's the best I can do. But am I missing something?



In reply to by mike320

Ok, I've attached an example of what I'm trying to do. What I want is to have a chord glissandi between the final two chords in the first measure (one is a 16th chord, sliding to a dotted eighth chord).

Specifically, between the highest 3 guitar strings (there is an alternate tuning here, E, B, Ab, E, B, E from highest to lowest) from fret 5 to the highest 3 guitar strings to fret 7.

I've tried what you suggest by making each note in the chord a different voice, but when I do that it just makes a mess of the upper score (lines all over the place).

Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it. Musescore is a great tool, and I'm just trying to figure out how to make it work for me (a guitar tab guy).

Attachment Size
test.mscz 26.49 KB

In reply to by johnlansberry1

What I did was work in the top staff because that's where I'm used to working. I don't usually work with tablatures or guitar parts at all. At some point I would like to do something for the guitar and/or lute, but that is down the road some.

What I did, I selected both of the top notes and pressed the 3 on the note input bar to make them all voice 3, Left the next ones down in voice 1, the next ones down I put in voice 2 and the bottom note I put in voice 4. I did this so the beams would be more accessible and easier to work with. I selected the beam in each of voices 1, 2 & 3 (click one, then ctrl+click the other two) and pressed V to make them invisible. It still looked ugly so I used the view menu and removed the check from show invisible so the gray lines would be hidden. I then clicked a beam that was pointed up and press X, selected the other one and pressed x so they would all look like a chord. I then selected each of the 16th notes I wanted a glissando on and added a glissando.

The instructions are rather concise so read them carefully and ask if I didn't make something clear. This gets easier with practice.

If the rhythm is the same, you have the option of using copy and paste on these notes to not need to go through this each time. You can then adjust the notes in either staff as needed. If you want to get rid of the "gliss." then select each glissando and in the inspector (F8) remove the check from Show text.

One other thing, when I initially added the glissandi, the glissando lines on the tablature were affected by the accidentals on the main staff. When I saved and reloaded the score it was fixed.

Attachment Size
test_2.mscz 27.4 KB

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