Missing selection options in inspector when range selected and possibly other linked problems.
Sometimes, after working with a score in MS for some time, when I select a range (for example so that I can set notes within the selection to don't play), the three buttons [Notes], [Grace Notes], [Rests] do not show up at the bottom of the inspector panel. Undocking the inspector shows that the buttons are not there at all, they have not disappeared off the bottom of the screen. Switching between page view and continuous view has no effect. Saving the score has no effect. However, if I close MS and then reopen the score, the buttons become available. This happens with multiple scores. It is difficult to track exactly what I have been doing when before I encounter the problem. The problem does not occur in a newly opened score and seems to occur after a non-specific period of entering and editing notation.
Another possibly linked problem is that CTRL-F fails to invoke the Find pop-up - nothing happens.
The reason for suspecting a linkage is that if I find that I am experiencing one of these two problems, I also always experience the other one. I have never found that only one problem occurs. It is of course, possible that other functions may become inoperative at the same time, but I have not investigated further.
Version information:
OS: Windows 10 (10.0), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: c893c61
So far I can think of no sensible explanation as to why this could/should/would happen at all. You're (unfortunately for you) also the first and only one to seemingly encounter this behavior.
In reply to So far I can think of no… by jeetee
I was hoping I might flush out some other sufferers so that we can compare notes. I will try to keep track of my actions and narrow down the conditions under which the problem(s) occur and report back when and if I have more potentially useful information.
In reply to I was hoping I might flush… by SteveBlower
Could you create an animated GIF showing what this looks like when it happens? Shoot the entire MuseScore screen so we might be able to see something off.