navigator in musescore 3 will not track with score

• Jul 27, 2019 - 17:32

The subject says it all. The navigator in Musescore 3 just will not track with the score. In other words, when the score is being played and there is a page change, the navigator will not move and so stays on whatever page the play started in. I have no clue how to fix this. Any ideas? Thanks.


You mean during playback? This works fine for me. Can you attach your score and give precise steps to reproduce the problem?

Also, make sure you have "Pan score automatically" enabled on the toolbar, although this affects the actual score view, not just the navigator, so your problems would be worse if that weren't on. Still, toggling it off and back on wouldn't hurt. Also maybe try toggling the navigator off and back on.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Usually, the navigator does track just fine. It is just that sometimes it stops tracking and it is not score dependent. When it fails to track, it fails for all the scores.. Sorry, I don't see any "pan score automatically" in the toolbar. I did toggle navigator on and off and that had no effect. However, I did manage to 'fix' it by restarting Musescore, not an ideal solution but it worked for now until the next time the navigator refuses to scan. Thanks for the really quick reply, much appreciated.

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