Changing instrument with the instrument list in the mixer

• Aug 14, 2019 - 22:38

The instrument list of the mixer lacks a vertical scroll, which makes it cumbersome to change an instrument, particularly if the list is extensive, as is the case when several soundfonts are loaded for a particular score.

Another auxilliary item that could help to navigate the list across instruments of different soundfont banks would be some sort of division, say a horizontal line, separating the groups of instruments, that's to say, separating the soundfonts. That would be a good visual aid to navigate across the list, going from one soundfont group of instruments to another.


There are several redesign ideas being discussed in other threads, you might want to do a search and comment there. Meanwhile, be aware you can just type the first few letters of whatever you are looking for to go straight there/

In reply to by mike320

I think that's because "Z" gets trapped by the shortcut for the symbols palette. Which is a bug, it's been mentioned here before as I recall. Fix probably involves changing the definition from "application shortcut" to "window shortcut" or some such in shortcuts.cpp, but I kind of suspect that will break the ability of "Z" to close the palette again. On the other hand, maybe this is going away as a separate window for 3.3.

In reply to by mike320

I now keep a list by my computer with the exact names of the instrument sounds I want for those that don't begin with the instrument name itself. For example, "Gagliano violin","3Celli", "Trem celli" etc.

It would be great if there was a standardized naming convention like "VIOLIN - Gagliano", "VIOLIN - 2nd pizzicato" etc. with the instrument name first, followed by its modifier. Also standardizing the instrument name itself - Violoncello versus Cello, for example.

Looking forward to having the instrument list challenges and sound font associations adjusted in version 3.3. Thank you for doing this.

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