Newbie question of fretboards
Hi, absolute Newbie to MuseScore.
I am trying to add a custom fretboard diagram back to the palette to enable easy and multiple uses.
Can't seem to get how to do that, would a kind soul on this forum please advise ?
--- geoff.
Did you read the Handbook section on "Custom palettes"? Hint: creating a custom workspace is the step most people leave out.
Yep - sure did.
I am using an advanced workspace ("test"), and have a custom palette saved for the fretboard diagrams.
What I can't work out is how to add a diagram to the custom palette. The manual is silent on "how to save" or "how to add" a fretboard diagram.
Drag and drop doesn't do it, copy/past doesn't do it - etc.
Hence the reach out.
I must be doing something dumb, its a question of how to add the fretboard to the custom palette.
In reply to Yep - sure did. I am using… by geoffw333
It's right there in the second paragraph:
To add an existing score element (such as a line, text, dynamic, fretboard diagram etc.) to a custom palette:
Press and hold Ctrl+Shift (Mac: Cmd+Shift), then drag the symbol onto the palette.