Add an "apply to all parts" button when loading a style.

• Oct 6, 2019 - 17:13

Add an "apply to all parts" button whether in score or part mode when loading a style.

This would be useful to me.


In reply to by Shoichi

Similar. For example, I want to add a border around certain text. I then have to go to all the parts and perhaps the score to make that a standard formatting. I use the "save style/load style facility to do this, but with a number of instruments this soon becomes tedious.

I notice that when I change a font (I think) there is an "apply to all parts" option when I have a choice/ cancel option.

I am requesting that this be extended.

In reply to by xavierjazz

You can change the text to a user style, select the text then use the Style dropdown in the inspector to change it to a user style then generate parts so the text has that style assigned to it. I did see if it works to change the text style on existing text in parts from the main score. Go to a part then open Format->Style and navigate through text styles to your user defined type. In the user defined type, change the text defaults and click the Apply to all parts button. All text of that type in the parts will now have that text style applied and the main score will still have the old style.

For me it works (in MS 2.3) . For exemple for a border in a stave text , or for the header, the parts name, the work title, on the Parts. But, you must have all your parts already edited before asking these changements, if you have only 1 or 2 parts edited, and you ask a changement, and click "for all parts" it works for the 1 or 2 edited parts, but for the following parts, it does not works.
For the score it works also, but, the changements are not linked between score and part, and it is better. You can choose what you want for your score, for the "boss" and other for the musicians

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