Simple comp

• Oct 16, 2019 - 03:43

Need help with a class project in musescore, trying to simply make muse score play we three kings and it will not play it correctly because of rests. I can't delete or replace them, no way to adjust not strikes? The first 2 play correctly but no matter what I try or what series of notes I use musescore can't seem to understand this basic structure, what am I doing wrong, and why is seemingly a minor single note timing adjustment so difficult?

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AssignmentW3K.mscz 13.13 KB


Your score plays exactly as notated for me - it plays the notes, it doesn't play the rests, so all is perfectly correct.
If you want it to play differently, you need to notate it differently, and I gather you want something different about the rests, but it isn't clear what. If you explain what you would like notated differently, we can help explain how.

In reply to by kent318

Deleting rests makes no musical sense - you can't remove silence. But you can certainly replace them with sound, such as by pasting subsequent notes on top of them, or just entering new notes. No need to waste time trying to "delete" the silence first, just fill it with sound.

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