MuseScore 3 issues

• Nov 27, 2019 - 17:49

I updated to MuseScore 3 when it was first announced and I almost lost all of my existing scores upon installation. Since then, I have kept working with MuseScore 2.3.2. I'd like to upgrade to PRO now, but I'm afraid to try. Has anything changed in the past few weeks/months since MuseScore 3 was first introduced?


Installing a new version of MsueScore never deletes any of your scores. When you installed MuseScore 3, your MuseScore 2 files remained right where you left them - in your MuseScore2 folder. MuseScore 3 by default simply looks for files in a MuseScore3 folder, but you can just browse over to your MuseScore2 folder and open those files too. Or just keep using 2.3.2 to open your 2.3.2 files if you prefer.

There is no separate PRO version of MuseScore. MuseScore is always 100% free. The only things that has a PRO is the optional score sharing account you can create on

Bottom line: there is nothing to worry about. Certainly MuseScore 3 has gotten better and better, the current version 3.3.3 is leaps and bounds superior to 2.3.2 so absolutely update, but keep 2.3.2 around as well.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

So I downloaded MuseScore 3, but Safari says it can't open it because it "can't be checked for malicious malware"!

I also noticed that 3 did not replace 2; it just added another application to my Applications folder. Here's an ignorant question: doesn't an update generally replace the existing file?

In reply to by mdevens

In MuseScore, major updates do not replace previous updates, so 3.x will not replace 2.x. This allows you to continue to run versions 2 and 3 next to each other. Since the file formats for the two are different, you can keep your version 2 scores in version 2 or upgrade them to version 3 by opening them there. If you do this, it's advisable to put the version 3 copy into the version 3 scores folder and leave the version 2 copy with the version 2 scores.

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