Musescore Tenor Drum Crossover Help

• Feb 13, 2020 - 18:41

So I'm trying to change one of the note heads on the tenor drums to a hollow note, but the drag and drop method doesn't seem to work and I'm not really sure what else to do. I've seen people say "change it to a half note" but that doesn't solve the situation at all.

Hopefully someone knows how to help.


Percussion is handled specially, to automate assigning different noteheads to different sounds. To customzie the notehead use for a particular sound, use the Edit Drumset button in the drum palette.

In reply to by Ben Mattingly

There's only one though drum palette - the one you enter drum notes from at the bottom of the main window while in note input mode. The Edit Button is there at the left side of the palette. You can also get to Edit Drumset by right-clicking the staff. For more info, see the Handbook under Drum notation.

In reply to by Johnny Collier

The question is, why do you want to change the notehead? If it's to indicate to the player to make a different sound, you need to go to Edit / Drumset and add this as a new note, as I said. What is the different sound you are trying to indicate? Do you know its MIDI pitch number? Once you know that , then you can define a new note for that pitch, give it the head you want. Then add that note - actually change the pitch of the current note. The assigned head and the correct playback sound will then happen automatically. And again, no other notes will be affected at all.

In reply to by Johnny Collier

Presumably the reason you want to change the head is because you want a different sound for it. Edit Drumset is absolutely the way to do that - that's where you create a new note by selecting which sound you want and which head you want for it. Then simply apply that new note to your score. Nothing else will be changed at all.

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