Parts formatting

• Aug 26, 2020 - 09:35

Hi, gang!!!

I use MuseScore 3.4.2 Portable AppImage into Ubuntu Studio 20.04.1 LTS (64 bits Linux).

I don't know if I missed something, here, but...

How can I get the individual parts have the exactly same formatting layout of the main full score, automatically?

I mean, there are some issues with titles, subtitles, lyricists, composer and parts name (I had to move it manually to avoid to overlap the main title).

Please, see the attached sample.

Also, if I unclick the "Show unprintable elements", in the main full score, it doesn't affect the parts (I wished to get this without to have to unclick it again, on each individual part).

What I missed? ???

Blessings and Greetings from Chile!!!



It doesn't make to have the exact same formatting between score and parts - the score is typically a different staff size, different number of measures per system, different numbers of systems per page, etc. So it's important to be able to have most formatting independent. But, if you wait to generate parts until after you are done customizing your title frame, that much at least will be copied to all the parts with the formatting intact.

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