Hearing feedback during rests

• Sep 6, 2020 - 22:44

Struggling to find the words to explain this. It's been happening for months and it's really irritating. I just installed the update and it did not help.

When I playback what I have written, after a note plays, during a rest, the note kind of carries over in a weird tinny electronic sounding feedback. Sounds almost like an electric guitar after it's faded but before it's silenced? But I'm using a piano. I've tried it with other instruments and it doesn't fix it.

It carries out for about 4 seconds or until music starts again.

I guess I should mention that it only happens with headphones. But I've tried multiple pairs of headphones - so it's not the headphones themselves.

It's incredibly irritating. I want silence during my rests!
Any help would be much appreciated!


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