slash notehead

• Aug 27, 2014 - 13:16

For a piano score that has runs of the same chord played over and over, I would like to show all the notes in the chord in just the first instance of the chord, then follow that with slash noteheads in rhythm. How would I do that in MuseScore 2 ? And will playback play all the repeating chords?


Slash is notated in the "notes" pallet. It looks like a parallelogram.

Select the notes you want slash, then if you do not want stems, right click on the selected notes go to note properties and select "stemless". Then open the pallet and double click slash.

The order is important unless you want to do the selection twice.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I love the new "Inspector" and advice to leave it up always! Thanks for fast response.

Now back to slash noteheads - - -

I want to leave stems visible, so the pianist can see his rhythm in the beams and dots and stem flags. But I want to show him just ONE slash per stem, to mean, "Play ALL the notes in the chord again." I want avoid chord clutter on paper.

Yeah, I know, I know, I could just put ONE note down and change just THAT one into a slash notehead, but, I want playback to play ALL the notes in the chord.

Any suggestions?

In reply to by Gene Gaunt

Only way I know to do that would be to have a second staff for the playback, which you could mark invisible (press "I" for instruments dialog, uncheck the "Visible" box). So create the staff first, copy the piano part to it, then mark the copy invisible, then go back to the original and make your slash adjustments. Then go to View / Mixer and mute the visible piano part.

A bit of work, but considering the very specialized nature of what you are trying to do, not too bad.

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