tuplet freakiness

• Sep 13, 2020 - 22:47

I am typesetting a piano piece. When I put in a tuplet this (see picture) happened - the triplet in first voice is fine (three 8th), but the triplet in second voice does not allow me to put in six 16th. After typing in the fifth of the six notes a bunch of 64th, 128th, 256th rests appear - and not the one 16th rest.
I also tried to put the triplet into bass clef - the same. So it seems it is not a problem of first/second voice and no problem of a specific version (it happened in 2.x which I used, now I have I noticed such a problem from time to time before and never found a solution, only difficult work arounds (making invisible all the rest, etc).
But why does this happen?

I added a "before" and "after" picture. The before picture shows the last situation where everything is fine, the "after" shows the situation after typing in the fifth 16th note in the second voice in treble clef.

Attachment Size
musescore_before.png 34.2 KB
musescore_after.png 46.22 KB


It works fine when I try it. Please post the score (preferably a before and after version).

Incidentally, your .png files files show up inverse (black background, grey or white notes) in my browser.

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